Istanbul-You had me at Hello!

To be honest I wasn’t sure what to expect when I arrived in Turkey.  I had my reservations. My idea of Turkey had been from the news…bombings, protests, and unrest. But this is why we travel. To see with our own eyes. To learn. Boy, did I have a lot to learn! When we open our minds to people, their different cultures, and their different lives, we often realize we are more alike than different.

“Similar souls wander in the similar places! They may not know each other, but often they touch the same winds, they step on the same leaves, their looks are lost in the same horizons!” 
Turkish Author― Mehmet Murat ildan

WOW! ISTANBUL! You had me at Hello!

As soon as we arrived, it was as if we were hit with a sensory overload.  Rich beautiful colors, bustling crowds of people, smells of aromatic spices from the food cooking all around us, and the music and prayers ringing in from the mosque.

They were getting ready for something. Something big! It was Ramadan. Ramadan is a holy month of fasting, introspection, and prayer for Muslims, the followers of Islam.  Each day during Ramadan, Muslims do not eat or drink from sunrise to sunset. In the evening, we watched as everyone set up their long tables and chairs. I imagine they must have brought some of their favorite dishes of food. The anticipation was growing as the time was growing near.  They were waiting for the day’s final call to prayer. Then they could come together in groups with their friends and family to share that meal they had been so patiently waiting for. Breaking the Fast. It was quite the feast!

The square was all lit up as people lined the sidewalks. Turkish delights were at every corner. Every sweet honey nutty treat would just melt in your mouth. The best thing I have ever had!

Oh! The cats! Did I mention the Cats? Everyone loves Cats! They are allowed everywhere! Everyone feeds them. They own the city!

We had a little fun dressing up! Part of the festivities in the Square.

The Royal Couple

TROUVAILLE MOMENT: (trouvaille = something lovely found by chance)

  • During the day, because it was Ramadan, many people were not out and about doing EXTRA things until after the evening prayer.  So what that meant for us were SHORT LINES!! I don’t remember waiting in lines at all while we were there. This is a great Tip to keep in mind when you are planning YOUR trip to Istanbul.  TIMING IS EVERYTHING! 
  • Lunch in Europe and Dinner in Asia without hopping on a plane! Where else can you say you did that?!

Here are some of the highlights which will be coming in my next blog. Join us as we make a stops at the following:

Blue Mosque-(don’t forget your scarves ladies!)


Hagia Sophia

Breathtaking doesn’t even begin to describe it!

Topkapi Palaceimg_1001

Grand Bazaar

Spice Bazaar

Galata Towerimg_1039

Galata bridge

Check out the woman fishing in heels.

Turkish dance show

Turkish Bath-(No pictures of this!) But I will give you some details.  Do it! When in Rome…..or Turkey do as the Turkish do!

love romantic bath candlelight
Photo by Breakingpic on

Turkish delights- So Delightful!

The cats-They are EVERYWHERE!

Istanbul is an amazing place. In the next post, I will share the important details you won’t want to miss if you are planning a trip there. Thanks for checking us out. Please be sure to follow us on Instagram, FB, Pinterest and Twitter.